Fourth Space -  Outer Perspective: 

Pillar: 2019 to 2024

The "fourth space" is a dimension beyond our observable spacetime reality—a transcendent perspective of being that art has the power to reveal.
Ouspensky referred to this as "cosmic consciousness," but we can take this concept further, understanding it as a realm into which our beings extend, enabling the very possibility of consciousness itself.

Though unreachable through direct observation, this fourth space can be awakened within consciousness, offering a transformative experience. This mystical dimension of art forms a cornerstone of the expression European Abstractionism.

In the freedom not-to-be
The task of European Abstractionism is twofold: to open this space within the artwork and to explore its meaning as a fundamental phenomenon of life.

Interdiimensional Transmission Link
 oil on canvas, 100cx70cm, 2023
Hypercubist Mind Space 
oil on canvas, 70x50cm, 2023
Movement in the Fourth Space
oil on canvas, 70x50cm, 2023


Online Exhibition with 2022.

The exhibition Egothávma follows the publication: Egothávma - Four Stances of Being.
The publication outlines what a better ontology can be that is free from theism, materialism and spiritualism. It further describes in diagrams the manifestation of being from the void and into the universe.
It centres around the fourth space as the final manifestation - the paradox of being.

Analogy for understanding fourth spatial dimension
20227016 x 4961px 
Edition of 12, 2022
fig. 13, Paradox of Being in the fourth spatial dimension 
20227016 x 4961px 
Edition of 12, 2022
fig. 18, Transcendence into the Material Realm
20227016 x 4961 px 
Edition of 25, 2022
Mantra Door
variable dimensions 
Edition of 100, 2022
Exhibition view: Egothávma, 2022
Exhibition view: Egothávma, 2022


Dome Wood, “The Fourth Dimensional I,” 2022, Video, 1080p, 6m51s, Edition of 7

The Campaign: Artifical Meditation Centre

Rectangle, at BGW at Vanderborght Buiding, Brussels Installation view, "The Campaign", 4 Paintings blown up to Billboards (244x366cm), as part of the collaboration with Rectangle, for the occasion of the exhibition: Brussels Gallery Weekend- Vanderborght building, Brussels

The exhibition "The Campaign - Artificial Meditation Centre" marks the first exploration of the spatial fourth dimension, presenting it as a spiritual platform for understanding ourselves beyond the material world.

Although the Artificial Meditation Centre was not realised at the time, it laid the foundation for the Fourth Space Meditation Centre, which came to fruition four years later.
Consciousness in Connection with Itself as Other Becomes Localised in 3 Dimensions 
oil on canvas, 80x120cm, 2019
The Mind Hyper-Cubed to 4 Dimensional Space Becomes Non-Local to 3-Dimensional Space 
oil on canvas, 80x120cm, 2019

The Construction of the Subject to Object from 0 to 4 Dimensional Space.” 
oil on canvas, 80x120cm, 2019 

Installation view, "The Campaig" Brussels Gallery Weekend- Vanderborght building,
 Brussels, 2019
Installation view, "The Campaign"  Brussels Gallery Weekend- Vanderborght building, 
Brussels, 2019

Discussion between Pieter Vermeulen & Dome Wood
Pieter Vermeulen (1983) is an art critic, lecturer, researcher and curator.