Art for a Better Ontology

Floor: 2013 to 2023

 The Rise Of  Consciousness
 Oil on Canvas, 70x50, 2024.

Unfolding Narrations: Painting

Being Within Without
oil on woven strips of canvas,
 140x100, 2023
From the Weight of the World to the Light of the Light
 oil on woven strips of  canvas, 210x160cm, 2023 
Sublime Triangle / Universal Origins
 oil on woven strips of canvas,
140x100cm, 2023
The first Moment of Being
oil on woven strips of canvas,
 140x100, 2023

Tomb Painting
 dyed canvas in wooden box, 
60x40x10cm, 2023 
Origins of Mind
oil on canvas, 96x71cm, 2019
Primal Perception
oil on canvas, 96x71cm, 2019
Primal Spirit 
gauche and ink on paper, 40x30cm, 2017
Pure Abstract Being
 oil on linen, 180x140cm, 2017
The Light of Reason 
96x71cm, oil on linen, 2017
Installation view, 2017, Dorotheum, Brussels
Installation view, Body Double, 2017, gallery Joris Visser, Brussel


Inner Being: Gateway
190x65x40cm, 2023
  220x105x40cm, 2023
Fear Not the Light of Death is Within You
dyed canvas, wood, lights, 
72x30x25cm, 2022
 Wood, aluminium and tar, 
80x35x25, 2017
Installation view, 2017, Dorotheum, Brussels
Seated Goddess
 canvas, wood, tar, clay, 
165x50x50cm, 2017 
Wor(l)d Oracle
 195x140x60cm, stretched canvas over wood, tar and clay, 2017
The Unknown God - Religion of Art, The Awakening from Hegel, 2012 Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg
Abstract Being
various wood, 220x60x50, 2010, Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg 
Studio view: 2012, Berlin
Eon to Eon
 various wood, 225x55x55cm, 2009

Prehuman Continuum

Wouters Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 2019.

Will for Power Gains Knowledge
 oil on canvas, 122x84cm, 2019
The probability of the subject sits within its potentality
oil on canvas, 122x84 cm, 2019

Tree of Conscious Power
oil on canvas, 187x123 cm, 2019

Your Limit is Your Oneness 
wood/canvas, 150x90x30cm, 2019

Mediators of Timing
 clay, wax, aluminium, wood 88x38x18cm, 2019

Nietzsche's Throne, 
wood/canvas, 310x70x200cm, 2019

Installation view: Pre Human Continuum, 2019, Gallery WaldburgerWouters, Brussels

Installation view: Pre Human Continuum, 2019, Gallery WaldburgerWouters, Brussels

Installation view: Pre Human Continuum, 2019, Gallery WaldburgerWouters, Brussels

Performance lecture: Wood’s theory on the orgins of the universe and the evolution of Effective Consciousness.
Gallery Waldburger Wouters, 2019 

Theory Fiction: The Inner Or

Woodworks framing - Roomfour- Melbourne, Australia, 2016.

Fig.1: The Collapse from the Void of (k)no(w)thingness,
 oil on canvas, 96x71cm, 2017

Fig.4: Through the Inner -OR- flows the Otherness of Being, oil on canvas, 96x71cm, 2017
Fig.6: The Containment of the Inner -OR- as a totality of the Self,
 oil on canvas, 96x71cm, 2017

Installation View: “Theory Fiction - The Inner OR" Room4 Woodworksframing, Melbourne 2017
Installation View: "Theory Fiction - The Inner OR" Room4 Woodworksframing, Melbourne 2017
Installation View: "Theory Fiction - The Inner OR" Room4 Woodworksframing, Melbourne 2017

Mortal Worship Centre

Installed in the former SUPERDEALS space at Port du Hal, Brussels, 2016. 
Mortal Worship Centre invited visitors to sit on unstably built benches and to contemplate their mortality.
On the Alter in front of them is a tree trunk, representing the mortal sacrifice that is necessary for our mortal needs. 

Installation view Mortal Worship
 2016, SUPERDEALS, Brussels

Altar to Mortality
 wood, 150x100x60cm, 2016

Installation view Mortal Worship 
2016, SUPERDEALS, Brussels

Apparition of the Inner OR 
oil on canvas, 95x70cm, 2016
Evolution at the foot of the Cross 
oil on Canvas, 140x105cm, 2016.
The Self Who has no Awareness of its Centre Battles with Extremes 
oil on canvas, 95x70cm, 2016

European Tribal Wars

Army Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany 2015. (with Stefan Kaminsky and Andrew Gilbert.) 
Installation views: Church of Dominic Wood.
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
Other to Lion- Nietzsche
oil on canvas, 
120x240cm, 2014
Other to Camel- Nietzsche
oil on canvas, 
120x240cm, 2014
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
The Book of Being 
Egyptian hand binded book by the artist, cover: oil on canvas, 300 pages, 2016
Installation view:European Tribual Wars, 2016, Armee Museum, Ingolstadt, Germany
The Serpent teaching spiral evolution to Eve
170x140cm, 190x150cmm, 2015

All and Nothing Equal to Each Other
oil on canvas, 170x140cm, 2015 
Enlightened Mind
 oil on canvas, 120x80cm, 2015
Collapse of Being into The Other
 oil on canvas, 120x96.5cm, 2015

Revelation of Light
oil on canvas, 108.5x85.5cm, 2015

Expolsion from the Garden of the lesser oil on canvas, 90x130cm,  2014
Reflected World Lines 
oil on canvas, 130x90cm, 2013

After Blake

In 2013, William Blake, became a strong source of inspiration, as an artist in pursuit of a subjective perspective outside the given norms of his time, while still allocated within them.
His sense of picture thinking and warped figurative narrations continue to echo throughout Dome Wood’s work.

Collapse into Self Consciousness 
oil on canvas, 110x90cm, 2013

Apparition of the Mind 
oil on canvas, 120x100cm, 2013
The Observer of I
 oil on canvas, 120x100cm, 2013

Ascend to the Ideal, descend to the Essence
oil on canvas, 250x190cm, 2012

Decent of the Black Sun 
oil on canvas, 350x200cm, 2013
Installation view: Church of Dominic Wood, Maastricht, 2013

Towards a better ontology: 
Better than theism, which is narcissistic.
Better than materialism, which is nihilistic.
Better than spiritualism, which follows at large the same delusion of oneness.

Art, more than any other medium, can show what a better ontology can mean, because it can use its intrinsic freedom; the freedom not to be.

Art that has advanced in this freedom lives a better ontology, for it reflects the inseparable dualism of oneness and not-oneness.

This primal concern consolidates for a primal sort of activity of art, seen in the paintings and sculptures that follow, emerging and submerging with them is the ongoing investigation towards a better ontology.